
Department of Medicine was established in 1996 under the chair of her excellency , Dr Mukti Bhatgnagarat Lokpriya Hospital , Meerut . In the year 2000 the department was established on the first floor of Subharti Hospital , headed by Dr S.L. Shrivastava .

In the 20 years of its existence , the department has trained more than 2000 undergraduates and 70 post graduate students .

Our young dynamic Head of Department , Dr Saurabh Singhal was among the first Post graduate of Subharti and deeply rooted in the day to day progression of the department from undergraduate to postgraduate level . He has handled the aegis of the department from Dr Mukti Bhatnagar herself .

Department of Medicine currently has 5 units , each unit compromising of a Professor , Associate Professor and a Senior Resident .

The department has 11 bedded ICUand 8 bedded ICCU along with 1 HDU , 2 male and 2 female wards with 30 beds each , taking the ward capacity to 150 patients .

In Department of Medicine, we are involved in Health Care Delivery to the patients teaching and training the under graduates and post graduates providing community services , research& other academic activities .

Each of the Units are attached with various super specialities , Cardiology , Neurology , Haematology And Nephrology .

Each of the Superspeciality have their separate OPD