
The Department of Anatomy welcomes you. Earlier Human Anatomy was a discipline science, primarily concerned with identifying & naming the body structures, but now a days the importance of anatomy lies in its functional approach & clinical application. Therefore the main aim of our department is to train & teach the students in such a way so that they practically apply this subject which forms the firm foundation for the art of healing (medicine). Our department of Anatomy is one of the best department of the state, having all the facilities related to teaching, training, learning & research activities. At present it is headed by a young & dynamic Professor Dr. Satyam Khare, a well known anatomist of the region, who has chaired various sessions in National as well as State conferences of Anatomy & has been the office bearer of core posts in national & state Anatomical Societies. We have well qualified, experienced, dedicated full time teaching faculty members. The department today has unique and modern teaching aids and methodology and has had an impressive lineage of stalwarts of Anatomy. Dr. Sudha Ramawat, Late Dr. Jeevan Prakash, Dr. Krishna Garg and Dr. A.K. Asthana heading the department. We have a hard working and sincere faculty who through several innovative methods, dissection, Model and chart competition make teaching of Anatomy a thrilling, enjoyable and memorable experience.