→ Job Opportunities    → NO FEE FOR NON CLINICAL PG SEATS    → Subharti Cancer Updates 2024

DATE- 7/12/2021

VENUE- Capt. Abdul Hameed Subharti Rural Health and Training Centre, (RHTC) Khajuri.

PARTICIPANTS - Dr. Sushma Prakash, Dr.Prateek JR IInd,

VOLUNTEER MEDICAL STUDENTS- Dr.Interns .Ginni, Shalini, Sakshi, Shyam Lohiya, Sarthak Sarswat.Govind Sumayya,Somya.

ACTIVITY PROCEDDING- On 7th Dec 2021 under the supervision of Department of Community Medicine eye camp was organized in Capt. Abdul Hameed Rural Health and Training Centre Khajuri, ParikishitGarh, Meerut. Subharti ophthalmology department collaborated in this event for checking and counseling the patients and refraction was done by optometrist Mr V S Pandey.