The college research committee (CRC) of Subharti Medical College Meerut, under URC of Subharti University organized a one day workshop on “How To Get Research Projects Funded By National/ International Agencies?” on 21st August 2021. The main objective of the workshop was to promote research work and get financial grants. The keynote speaker as well as main resource person was Dr. R.M. Pandey, Professor and Head Biostatistics Department, AIIMS New Delhi. Principal SMC, Dr. A.K. Srivastava, while expressing happiness over the workshop , said that all the necessary help will be provided by the institute in order to promote good research work. Dr. Rahul Bansal, Chairman CRC Subharti Medical College highlighted the difficulties faced by young researchers in obtaining the grants.

Dr. R.M. Pandey in his speech stated that in order to obtain research grants it is necessary to have DSIR certification which can be obtained by any private institute after following a certain protocol. Dr. R.M. Pandey said that research is the only way by which one can establish his/her distinguished identity in the field of education. For obtaining research grant well framed aims and objectives should be kept in mind and multidisciplinary research projects are always preferred. The Program continued with active interaction and brain storming session between Dr RM Pandey and the participants during which their respective queries were addressed. Dr. R.M. Pandey analysed their projects in groups of 6-7 faculty members during group work and suggested modification. He also provided the information about the guidelines of various funding agencies. More than 40 faculty members participated in the workshop. Dr. Mukul Joint Director, Research participated in the workshop on behalf of URC. Workshop was concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Shweta Grover, Member Secretary CRC. College research committee members Dr. Bhavna Rastogi, Dr. Sandeep Kumar Yadav, Dr. Kaynat Naseer, Dr. Kritanjali, Dr. Nishant Wadhera actively participated the workshop.