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Research publications and on going research activities of faculty

  1. B K Gupta and Alpana Sharma, Essentials of Immunology, A multi-author text book, suitable for MBBS & PGMEE, PLAB & USMLE, Editor & Contributor, Peepee Publication, New Delhi, 2010, In Press.
  2. B K Gupta & Vinay Bharat, Contributed Chapter 16; “Immunohaematology”, page 440-488, The book “Medical Laboratory Technology”, 1995 Edi., Edited by S C Arya, Piyush Publications, B-161, Gujranwala Town, Part I, Delhi-110033.
  3. Debapriya Bandhopadhyay, B K Gupta, Silver nanoparticles - potential antiplatelet / antithrombotic agents, I J C B, Vol 24 Supplement 2009 • 224.
  4. Mohd Suhail, Safia Suhail, Bharat Kumar Gupta & Vinay Bharat, Malondialdehyde and Antioxidant Enzymes in Maternal and Cord Blood, and their Correlation in Normotensive and Preeclamptic Women, I J C B, Vol 24 Supplement 2009 • 283.
  5. PMohd Suhail, Safia Suhail, Bharat Kumar Gupta & Vinay Bharat, Malondialdehyde and Antioxidant Enzymes in Maternal and Cord Blood, and their Correlation in Normotensive and Preeclamptic Women, J Clin Med Res • 2009;1(3):150-157. Also available online at: http://www.jocmr.org/index.php/JOCMR/article/view/159/94.
  6. Vinay Bharat, B K Gupta, Rani Bansal and Rashmi Khatri, Diagnostic role of Adenosine deaminase isoenzyme analysis in tuberculous disease. JAPM, 2007; 71.
  7. Mukesh Kumar, B K Gupta, Vinay Bharat & Ankit Bharat, Effect of active learning on teaching Physiology to medical students. Indian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology, Vol. 52, Number 5, Supplement 2006, 122.
  8. B K Gupta, Vinay Bharat, Mukesh Kumar & Ankit Bharat, Impact of active learning on teaching of Biochemistry to medical students. 33rd National conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists, 2006, page 175, AFMC, Pune 23-26 Nov., 2006.
  9. R K Narang, A Kumar & B K Gupta, MacLaud’ Syndrome in an Adult Indian Journal of Tuberculosis, XXV, No 4, Oct. 1977,.
  10. Bindu Sharma, Infertility – Causes and Remedies, Chanakya, Vol 5, 2008, p 8-9.
  11. Bindu Sharma & Dr. A.S. Singh, Significance of endocrine factors in Infertile male, Acta Ciencea Indica, Vol XXIX C, No. 3, 191 (2003). (An International Research Journal)
  12. Bindu Sharma & Dr. A. S Singh, Minor Pertubation of gonadotropin & Steroid concentration in the follice can be associated with the probability of fertilization in apparently normal Ovulatory cycles. Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXIX C, No. 3 187 (2003). (An International Research Journals)
  13. Bindu Sharma, Causes & Cure of Infertility Vishav Mandal (Hindi Version), Vol. 2, No. 6, 40-41 (April 2003) (National Journal)
  14. Susmita Mishra, P.Padmanaban, G.N. Deepti, G. Sarkar, S.Sumathi, B.D. Toora. Serum magnesium and dyslipidemia in type-2 diabetes mellitus Biomedical Research Journal vol. 2012; 23 (1) Indexed
  15. Sudha R, B.D. Toora, G. Sarkar, M. Sarkar, Serum Sialic acid in relation to Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and HbA1C of type 2 diabetic patients. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences Vol. 2012; II (4), Indexed
  16. Madhaven Pilli Manju, Raghunathan, Latha, Gautam Sarkar, Detection of methicillin resistance in staphylococcus aureus by polymerase chain reaction and conventional methods – A comparative study, Journal of Laboratory Physicians, Accepted for publication Vol. December issue, 2012., Indexed
  17. P. Padmanaban, G.N. Deepti; G. Sarkar, Mahuya Sarkar, Biochemical parameters of paint workers in puducherry, Chronicles of Young Scientists, Vol. 2011. 2; 59 – 60 Indexed
  18. P. Padmanaban, G. Sarkar, Iodine number: A new marker for health Chronicles of Young Scientists, Vol. 2010. 1; 46-47, Indexed
  19. Gautam Sarkar, Hyperchlolesterolemia – Does it get the attention it deserves? Ind. J. Med. Biochem, Vol. 2006.10(1); 11-17, Indexed
  20. Gautam Sarkar, Bishamber Dass Tooras, Rebeca Abraham, Ceruloplasmin estimation – Stability of serum and substrate, Ind. J. Med. Biochem (Invited article), Vol. 2005.9(2); 11-14, Indexed
  21. Ranjnu Ralhan, Rajeev K. Swain, Sandhya Agarwal, Jasbir Kaur, Neera Nath, Gautam Sarkar, Meera Mathur, Nootan K. Shukla, P-Glycoprotein is positively correlated with P53 in human oral-premelignant and malignant lesions and is associated with poor prognosis, Ind. J. Cancer, Vol. 1999 Feb 19; 84(1) : 80-5, Indexed
  22. Sarkar G, Nath N, Shukla NK, Ralhan R, Glutathione S- transferase Pi expression in matched human normal and malignant oral mucosa, Oral Oncology (Eur. J. Cancer), Vol. 1997 Mar: 33(2): 74-81m Indexed
  23. Kaur J, Sarkar G, Srivastave A, Ralhan R, Immunological evidence for the association of p53 with a heat shock protein in squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity Proceedings of the International Cancer Congress (Eds), Indexed
  24. Gupta B K, Bharat Vinay, Bandyopadhyay Debapriya, Shailja Chambial, Role of cerebrospinal fluid Adenosine deaminase levels estimation in diagnosis of Tuberculous meningitis, JIMA, Vol. (Article No. 438/200) Accepted for publication 21 December, 2011, Indexed
  25. Debapriya Bandyopadhyay, Haren Baruah, Bharat Kumar Gupta, Ashish Shukla, Shorya Taliyan, Anti-thrombotic role of Nano Silver, Journal of Indian Society for Atherosclerotic Research ISARCON 2010 supplement, Vol. Nov., 2010, page 47-52 Indexed
  26. Gupta B K, Bharat Anchit, Bandyopadhyay Debapriya, Haren Baruah, Adenosine deaminase levels in CSF of Tuberculous meningitis patients,J Clin Med Res, Vol. 2010;2(5):220-224, Indexed
  27. Gupta B K, Bharat Vinay, Bandyopadhyay Debapriya, Sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values of Adenosine deaminase in patients of tubercular and Non-Tubercular Serosal Effusion in India, J Clin Med Res, Vol. 2010;2(3):121-126 Indexed
  28. Gupta B K, Bharat Vinay, Bandyopadhyay Debapriya, Role of Adenosine deaminase estimation in differentiation of tuberculous and non-tuberculous exudative pleural effusions, J Clin Med Res, Vol. 2010;2(2):79-84, Indexed
  29. Debapriya Bandyopadhyay, B K Gupta, Silver nanoparticles – potential antiplatelet / antithrombotic agents, Ind J Clin Biochem, Vol 24 supplement 2009 – 224, Indexed
  30. Mohd Suhail, Safia Suhail, Bharat Kumar Gupta, Vinay Bharat, Malondialdehyde and Antioxidant Enzymes in Maternal and Cord Blood, and their correlation in Normotensive and Preeclamptic women, Ind J Clin Biochem, Vol 24 supplement 2009 – 283, Indexed
  31. Mohd Suhail, Safia Suhail, Bharat Kumar Gupta, Vinay Bharat, Malondialdehyde and Antioxidant Enzymes in Maternal and Cord Blood, and their correlation in Normotensive and Preeclamptic women, J Clin Med Res, Vol. 2009;1(3):150-157, Indexed
  32. Vinay Bharat, B K Gupta, Rani Bansal, Rashmi Khatri, Diagnostic role of Adenosine deaminase isoenzyme analysis in tuberculous disease, J Asso Path Micro, Vol. 2007; 71. Non- Indexed
  33. Mukesh Kumar, B K Gupta, Vinay Bharat, Ankit Bharat, Effect of active learning on teaching physiology to medical students, Ind J Phy & Pharma, Vol. 52, Number 5, Supplement 2006, 122, Indexed
  34. B K Gupta, Vinay Bharat, Mukesh Kumar, Ankit Bharat, Impact of active learning on teaching of Biochemistry to medical students, Ind J Clin Biochem, Vol. Supple 2006, page 175, Indexed
  35. R K Narang, A Kumar, B K Gupta, MacLaud’ Syndrome in an Adult, Ind J Tub, Vol. Oct., 1977 XXV, No 4, Indexed
  36. Debapriya Bandyopadhyay Parul Goel, Haren Baruah, Dilutpal Sharma Fasting or Random: Which venous blood sample is better for thyroid function test? Journal of Advanced Researches in Biological Sciences (JARBS) a journal for SBSI, Vol.4(4), December, 2012 Page 275-78, Indexed.
  37. Naved Ahmad, Shorya Taliyan, Debapriya Bandyopadhyay, Haren Baruah, Akash Gupta, Prevalence of thyroid hormone abnormalities among patients in Subharti University – A Hospital based study, JARBS, Accepted for publication on 08.11.2012 in Vol.2 of 2013 vide letter no. JARBS/2012/908, Indexed.
  38. Goel P, Goel K, Singh S, Bhilla A, Sharma N, Gill K D, Bandyopadhyay D., Role of paraoxonases in detoxifisatin of organophosphates, JARBS (Journal of advance research in Biological sciences, Vol.4(4),December, 2012, Page 320-25 Indexed
  39. Goel K, Goel P, Kondagunta N, Soans S J, Bairy AR, Health seeking behaviours & delays in tuberculosis patients in South India, JARBS, Accepted for publication on 10.09.12, Indexed
  40. Parul Goel, Nidhi Gupta, Surjit Singh et al, Regeneration of red Cell Cholinesterase activity following Pralidoxime (PMA) infusion in first 24 hours in organo phosphate poisoned patients, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, Vol. 27(1) Page 34-39 Jan 2012, Pub Med Indexed
  41. Bindu Sharma and Dr. A.S. Singh, Minor perturbation of Gonadotropin and steroid concentrations in the follicle can be associated with the probability of fertilization in apparently normal ovulatory cycle, Acte Liencia Indica, Vol. XXIX C, No. 3 187-190 (2003), Indexed (International)
  42. Bindu Sharma and Dr. A.S. Singh, Significance of endocrine factors in infertile male Acte Liencia Indica, Vol. XXIX C, No. 3 191-194, (2003), Indexed (International)
  43. Bindu Sharma, Amit Kumar, CM Singh, Richa Kansal Significance of thyroid profile (serum T3, T4 & TSH) in infertile women, Indian Journal of Community Health Vol – 24 No. 2, April 2012 to June 2012. Page no. 148 to 152, Indexed
  44. Gupta B.K, Parul Goel, Haren Baruah, Preeti Shukla, Jaskiran Kaur, Cerebrospinal fluid Adenosine deaminase: its evaluation as a marker for diagnosing tuberculous meningitis in paediatric patients., IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), Vol – 4, Issue 1 (Jan-feb 2013), PP 21 – 24, Indexed.


  1. Biochemical Studies on Risk factors & genetic polymorphism of Myeloperoxidase In cardiovascular diseases
  2. A study of apo-lipoproteins and non-high density lipoprotein Cholesterol in Coronary Heart Disease
  3. Lipid profile and Uric acid levels in nulliparous pre-eclamptic pregnant women in third Trimester
  4. Estimation of serum ferritin levels in acute Myocardial infarction
  5. Thyroid peroxidase antibodies in thyroid diseases and its correlation with thyroid dysfunction in Meerut.
  6. Correlation of salivary proteins, pH and Biomarkers interleukin 1 β, -6, -12, Tumor necrosis factor alpha in subjects with chronic periodontitis and healthy individuals
  7. A prospective study to assess the possible role of stress on the Etiology of Diabetic Nephropathy.
  8. Association of Hypothyroidism with Metabolic syndrome
  9. A Prospective study to assess the possible role of stress on the Etiology of Hypertensive Nephropathy

List of publications of the staff of the Department of Biochemistry:

From 1st January, 2012 to 31st December, 2012
S. No. Title Authors Journal Vol & Page No. Whether the Journal is Indexed
1. Serum magnesium and dyslipidemia in type-2 diabetes mellitus Susmita Mishra, P.Padmanaban, G.N. Deepti, G. Sarkar, S.Sumathi, B.D. Toora. Biomedical Research Journal 2012; 23 (1) Indexed
2. Serum Sialic acid in relation to Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and HbA1C of type 2 diabetic patients. Sudha R, B.D. Toora, G. Sarkar, M. Sarkar National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 2012; II (4) Indexed
3. Detection of methicillin resistance in staphylococcus aureus by polymerase chain reaction and conventional methods – A comparative study Madhaven Pilli Manju, Raghunathan, Latha, Gautam Sarkar Journal of Laboratory Physicians Vol-4,Issue-2,Jul-Dec- 2012. Page 83-88 Indexed
4. Fasting or Random: Which venous blood sample is better for thyroid function test? Debapriya Bandyopadhyay Parul Goel, Haren Baruah, Dilutpal Sharma Journal of Advanced Researches in Biological Sciences (JARBS) a journal for SBSI Vol.4(4), December, 2012 Page 275-78 Indexed
5. Prevalence of thyroid hormone abnormalities among patients in Subharti University – A Hospital based study Naved Ahmad, Shorya Taliyan, Debapriya Bandyopadhyay, Haren Baruah, Akash Gupta JARBS Accepted for publication on 08.11.2012 in Vol.2 of 2013 vide letter no. JARBS/2012/908 Indexed
6. Role of paraoxonases in detoxifisatin of organophosphates Goel P, Goel K, Singh S, Bhilla A, Sharma N, Gill K D, Bandyopadhyay D. JARBS (Journal of advance research in Biological sciences Vol.4(4), December, 2012 Page 320-25 Indexed
7. Health seeking behaviours & delays in tuberculosis patients in South India Goel K, Goel P, Kondagunta N, Soans S J, Bairy AR JARBS Accepted for publication on 10.09.12 Indexed
8. Regeneration of red Cell Cholinesterase activity following Pralidoxime (PMA) infusion in first 24 hours in organo phosphate poisoned patients Parul Goel, Nidhi Gupta, Surjit Singh et al Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Vol. 27(1) Page 34-39 Jan 2012 Pub Med Indexed